2021 Nisqually Watershed Festival Poster Contest Winners

The results are in! Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Nisqually Watershed Festival Poster Contest! This year, we received 170 amazing posters from all over the watershed. Browse through our winners below, or jump to a grade:

First Grade ~ Second Grade ~ Third Grade ~ Fourth Grade ~ Fifth Grade ~ Sixth Grade

Best of Show:

“Orca at Dusk” by Aadil Kasmani (2nd grade; Hansen Elementary [Abrams])

First Grade

First Place: “Little Chipper Loves Candy” by Lia Hollister (Olympia Regional Learning Academy [Rogol])

Second Place: “Nisqually Mink” by Audrey Cheng (Hansen Elementary [Abrams])

Third Place: Untitled by Camille Perkins (Olympia Regional Learning Academy [Zitny])

Honorable Mention: “Black-tailed Deer at The Bird Walk” by Henry Walsh (Fort Stevens Elementary [Smart])

Honorable Mention: “Dreaming Flying Squirrel” by Kylie Yim (Olympia Regional Learning Academy [Weed])

Second Grade

First Place: “Orca at Dusk” by Aadil Kasmani (2nd grade; Hansen Elementary [Abrams])

Second Place: “Jumping Orca” by Brynn Williams (Tumwater Virtual Academy [Kuhn])

Third Place: “Valley Fox” by Eli Kuo (Annie Wright Schools [Young])

Honorable Mention: “Otter Warhol” by Teagan Iwamoto (Annie Wright Schools [Wittich])

Honorable Mention: “Black Bear By The Tree” by Trevor Snellgrove (Centennial Elementary [Kapsandy])

Third Grade

First Place: “The Mountain Fox (Cascade Red Fox)” by Jackson Stoken (Lacey Elementary [Tuhus])

Second Place: “Townsend’s Big Eared Bat” by Emma Maris (Boston Harbor Elementary [ Gillespie])

Third Place: “The Red Fox” by Teagan Bibby (Michael T. Simmons Elementary [Grimm])

Honorable Mention: “Chipmunk in a Tree” by Ben Rosa (Tumwater Virtual Academy [Guarino])

Honorable Mention: “Cascade Red Fox” by Mavyn (L.P. Brown Elementary [Bowden])

Fourth Grade

First Place: “Night Flight” by Katherine Kim (Rainier Elementary [Fowler])

Second Place: Untitled by Torie Atkinson (Rainier Elementary [Fowler])

Third Place: “Mountain Goat” by Maebel Johns (Roosevelt Elementary [Olmsted])

Honorable Mention: “Mother and Daughter Deer” by Hazel Ulvenes (Lincoln Elementary [Stine])

Honorable Mention: “Night of the Wolf” by Sienna Perry (Southworth Elementary [Robinson])

Fifth Grade

First Place: “The Red Fox” by Chaya Lugo (Pleasant Glade Elementary [Landers])

Second Place: “Mammals of the Watershed” by Samantha Kooser (Olympic View Elementary [Workman])

Third Place: “The Blacktail Deer” by Olivia Kim (Pleasant Glade Elementary [Goodwin])

Honorable Mention: “The Orca Jumped Over The Moon” by Mieko Callahan (Centennial Elementary [Knight])

Honorable Mention: “A Trio of Flying Squirrels” by Julia Harman (Centennial Elementary [Knight])

Sixth Grade

First Place: “Steller Sea Lion on Rock” by Maria Dorner (Ford Middle School [Hunt])

Second Place: “Skunk at Watershed” by Chloe Oleson (Tumwater Virtual Academy [Vanderlught])