McLane Salmon Trail

One With the Watershed Curriculum

This curriculum, created by The Tribal Communities of the Pacific Northwest, the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, and the Seattle Aquarium, helps students learn about salmon through story, experience and information.

Salmon, Water, and Forests in the Classroom

This curriculum, created by Olympia School District, was our featured curriculum for Summer Teachers Institute 2012. It is a compilation of Salmonids in the Classroom by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail Education Project, Salmon Rescue Curriculum (WDFW), The Salmon Box: An Educational Curriculum about Pacific Salmon, Wenatchee River […]

“sčədadxʷ (salmon)” Video

“sčədadxʷ (salmon)” is an animated short featuring Billy Frank Jr. that takes the viewer up the river through the eyes of the salmon showing its pristine environment; its connection to the Pacific Northwest People; the arrival of the settlers; habitat degradation; the unification of people throughout the world working together […]

“As Long As the River Runs” Documentary

As Long as the River Runs examines the violence and civil disobedience leading up to the hallmark decision in U.S. v. Washington, with particular reference to the Nisqually Indians of Frank’s Landing in Washington. This is a groundbreaking documentary produced by Carol Burns with Hank Adams originally released in 1971.